Thursday, August 27, 2020
Necessary Evil for Men vs. Sexual Exploitation of Women :: social issues
Important Evil for Men versus Sexual Exploitation of Women Misuse †transitive action word 1: to put to an off-base or inappropriate use; 2: old (trick); 3: to utilize to harm or harm (abuse); 4: to assault in words (criticize). thing 1: a degenerate practice or custom; 2: inappropriate or exorbitant use or treatment (abuse); a tricky demonstration (misdirection); 4: language that denounces or criticizes generally unfairly, unnecessarily, and indignantly; 5: physical abuse. Misuse, in any of its structures, is something numerous Korean ladies and young ladies manage each day. In 2002, a review done by the Korean Institute of Criminology, the quantity of sex buys in Korea rose to 4.4 of the nations GDP (Gross Domestic Product), nearly equivalent to farming, ranger service, and angling enterprises consolidated. The review additionally indicated that there were in any event 33,000 ladies working in prostitution. 8% of ladies working in Korea in their twenties and thirties were whores. Likewise, a study done by the Korea Women’s Hot Line indicated that 42.6% of Korean men have bought sexual assistance while having a beverage. 12.9% of men said that they have purchased sex when on business. 41.3% of all Koreans didn't realize that prostitution was illicit in Korea. Regardless of these incredible numbers, prostitution has been unlawful in Korea since 1961. A typical spot that prostitution happens in is Miari Texas Village (Also known as Miari Texas, Texas Village, Texas Miari, or downright Miari.) a zone in north-eastern Seoul, with more than 250 prostitution houses. In these houses, alcohol and food are served in the front and in the back, sex administrations occur in the private cabins. By and large, a lady will see five to ten men every night. The ladies normally get paid 1.5 million won ($1, 340.00) month to month, alongside 1,500 won ($14.00) for every customer they see. One upsetting thing about Miari Texas is that 30% of around 1,000 whores are younger than eighteen. Despite the fact that prostitution is unlawful, it is endured, if the ladies are more than eighteen. A considerable lot of the youthful whores in Miari Texas are wanderers who feel they don't have anything more to lose. The primary prostitution house (whorehouse) was built up in the 1920’s when Korean ladies were taken as sex slaves by the Japanese military during the Japanese control of Korea (1910 †1945). After the Korean war finished in 1953, the enormous American military nearness prompted the structure of â€Å"camp town prostitution†for the U.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Negative Impacts
Industry creation frameworks are impractical which can likewise impactsly affect conditions. Accordingly, there has been a quick development planned for getting industry to â€Å"clean up its act†, in light of the fact that authorization of nature is growing up just gradually. Furthermore, the natural and social exhibition of ventures has Increasingly been utilized as a factor In concluding whether to work with them, and this implies ecological requests are being made on enterprises.The technique to be received will essentially be with pertinent, perceiving that they should adjust to the natural requests made of beneficiary items or of their assembling methodology, and to do this they need organizations that can offer particular administrations identifying with the advancement of different administration frameworks and products.The reaction to the issues laid out Lies In empowering yield to keep on developing while at the same time limiting development in contributions of mate rials and vitality, and they can bolster the foundation of organizations fulfilling the guidelines in observing the improvement of condition related In influencing exchange, distinguish holes In standardizing laws and guidelines and different strategies which advance of Industry particularly In the help yester by advancing the foundation of specific undertakings in the 1 organization information and abilities in endeavors to open private associations in the earth field.Agile Noreen A. Bossily 2012103039 2 The view to the previously mentioned, centers around the ways to modern turn of events; effective utilization of non-vitality crude materials and of reused mechanical and non-modern squanders; selection of applicable items and innovations to satisfy ecological guidelines; reception of natural and related administration frameworks with a view to section into worldwide worth chains; and production of organizations that an offer administrations. This finishes up certain moves looked b y certain enterprises to appropriately use assets, which some way or another gives openings. 4 Introduction ? Chapter by chapter guide Definition of Industrial Development 2 Table of Contents 5 Main Body How Industrial Development Through the Years Affect How Industrial Development Made Life Easier Conclusion 11 References ? 12 4 Introduction The unreasonable examples of modern improvement might not have been acknowledged until as of late, it has been perceived since the beginning of the mechanical unrest that ventures can have clear and obvious effects on their neighborhood networks and environments.As a reaction to these show wellbeing and ecological effects, the most recent 40 years have seen an unmatched development in natural issue. There has been a developing assurance by various partners in the created nations to utilize the natural and social exhibition of ventures as a factor in concluding whether to work with them. The first to feel this weight are regularly the transition al enterprises and other huge organizations, yet they thus are applying a comparable weight on their providers. Because of the globalization of exchange, huge numbers of these are currently situated in creating countries.This paper investigates in more detail these difficulties and openings on by what means can undertakings in these nations become greener and contract their ecological impression, while simultaneously proceeding to develop and convey products, administrations and Jobs to their populaces? What were the focal points and weaknesses of industrialization? Answers to these inquiries must consider one abrogating basic: that enterprises need to develop. Mechanical improvement is the main instrument that will empower creating nations to lessen he level of destitution and hardship they face.This decision offers a methodology for the advancement help network, which is intended to help creating nations overcome any issues between the present and what's to come. 6 Industrial impr ovement any advancement of a mechanical nature. The mechanical upheaval prompted the advancement of plants for enormous scope creation, with ensuing changes in the public eye. Initially the manufacturing plants were steam-fueled, however later changed to power once an electrical lattice was created. The automated sequential construction system was acquainted with gather expressions in a repeatable design, with singular laborers performing explicit strides during the process.This prompted huge increments in proficiency, bringing down the expense of the end procedure. Later robotization was progressively used to supplant human administrators. This procedure has quickened with the advancement of the PC and the robot. 7 How Economic Development Through the Years Affect the Environment The monetary advancement during that time influenced the earth by the expansion in populace, industrialization began, and the lack of nonrenewable vitality sources. The expansion in populace implies that m etal timberland and downpour woods will be devastated to make more space for the individuals to live.Destroying precipitation woodlands are awful on the grounds that backwoods alone delivers 40% of the world's oxygen. There are presently a ton of ventures the world over however despite the fact that there are such huge numbers of, it is a major weight to nature. The consuming of fuel and coal produces carbon dioxide that, after some time, has settled in a layer in the world's upper climate. This makes a circumstance know as nursery impact. The nursery impact is a circumstance where an abundance of carbon dioxide in the world's upper environment lets the sun's beams through yet traps heat near the world's surface. Nonrenewable vitality assets may run out.This may happen as a result of the expansion and request in oil which is the fundamental need we as a whole use. We use oil for various proposes. Since ventures use oil and coal a great deal it will in the end contaminate everything and will cause corrosive downpour which dirties the stream. These were a few instances of how financial advancement can prompted debacles for the earth. There may be a smear of a change that this won't occur, in any case, it is ensured that those things would occur. Particularly that a worldwide temperature alteration is now occurring. 8 How Industrial Development Made Life Easier?It would Just be terrible to imagine that life would be better without the Industrial Revolution. All the creations that were designed in those days are utilized constantly. The innovations have extraordinarily changed society. The light was made to make light that would keep going for quite a while and that could be utilized anyplace. In the present society, individuals just makes it simpler to see anyplace at whatever point it's the daytime or evening time. â€Å"Edition's possible accomplishment was designing a brilliant electric light, yet in addition an electric lighting framework that contained all the components important to make the radiant light useful, safe, and efficient. Before it was made, individuals needed to utilize fire and now you're ready to Just turn the light switch on and you naturally have whatever lit. Louis Daggered developed the primary camera Just to catch things for memory. The camera was imagined to catch an image of anything you needed to spare as a memory. In this day and age, individuals utilize the camera during numerous extraordinary events to recall that particular day. It helps a ton on the grounds that such a significant number of individuals can appreciate or see what an event resembled regardless of whether they weren't there by taking a gander at the pictures.George Stephenson previously endeavored to make the primary train since other people who attempted fizzled. The train was concocted to attempt to prevail in an innovation yet lead to all the more better things. In the present society, we utilize the transportation for some reasons. We use it to pull freight and 9 vehicle individuals to numerous spots. â€Å"It was currently that George Stephenson, around twenty years old, set about the development of his first train. As we before expressed, the need of good and handy laborers was an extraordinary Arabica. Before it was created, it was increasingly hard to ship anything to various areas. The time of the Industrial Revolution enormously added to the world. It was a transformation which helped everybody in a positive manner regardless of what the circumstance was to them. Society became simpler and less difficult to live by having numerous developments accomplish our difficult work for us. 10 Conclusion The Industrial advancement was a blended gift. It has its points of interest and detriments; through this investigation I had the option to value the endeavors of the designers Just to make our life simpler and more comfortable.Throughout those years everything were made and concentrated well, yet we couldn't see the r equirements of our condition while we were all upbeat imagining and making advancements as much as we need. The enterprises had the option to united nations and individuals. There was a global mindfulness among individuals since advancements in a single nation impacted the others, there were better vehicle, correspondences and motorized merchandise made life agreeable for man. Sadly urban areas got swarmed, smoky, with issues of ghettos, lodging, sanitation, mishaps and pandemics.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Blog Archive MBA News B-Schools Going Global
Blog Archive MBA News B-Schools Going Global Many MBA programs across the country are revamping their curricula to incorporate a global focus into traditional business school studies to better prepare students for an international business environment. According to U.S. News World Report, technology has been a catalyst for new global-centric MBA programs by making the world smaller and more accessible. Babson Colleges F.W. Olin Graduate School of Business is even offering a new course on using technology to manage a global work force, and NYUs Stern School of Business is integrating technology by making course materials available via the iPad. The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania recently announced that it will place greater emphasis on global business by offering new areas of study, including Finance and the Global Economy and Managing the Global Enterprise. These globally minded business schools are now doing more than just offering an international program or sending students on global business immersion tri psthey are making the global mind-set part of their basic philosophy, and students unwilling to move forward with this global mind-set just might get left behind. Share ThisTweet News
Monday, May 25, 2020
Why Law Enforcement Is Important Essay - 1848 Words
By 1631 a group of men was organized to conduct patrols throughout the night in the colony of Boston. During the nightly patrols, the men were intending to provide safety and security to the community by maintaining order, raising the alarm for hazardous fires, and apprehending those guilty of criminal activities (Hess, Orthmann, Cho, 2014). These men formed the earliest known policing organization in America’s thirteen original colonies, a foundation for modern policing in the United States. Today, law enforcement officers strive to protect and serve a community through monitoring and responding to criminal activities; conducting both motorized and foot patrols to deter crime; issuing tickets; responding to emergency calls; investigating crimes that have occurred and arresting those who are reasonably suspected of a crime; and testify in court as needed. Law enforcement is undoubtedly a unique profession. Like few other occupations, law enforcement is a profession with a culture of its own developed through socialization exclusive to its members only. Socialization can be used to describe the social interaction and the adaption of a new culture that occurs from the moment a recruit begins training at the Police Academy that is carried on through that individual’s career within law enforcement. Police culture characteristics include the shared beliefs, customs, ways of life, particular ways of thinking, and standards that govern behavior that exists in a policeShow MoreRelatedEssay On Policing Our Communities1703 Words  | 7 PagesThomas Slager. At face value Slager seems like he is entirely responsible for the events that took place. However, more questions should be asked. Why did Scott exit the vehicle, why did the skirmish begin in the first place, why was Scott accused of taking Slager’s taser, why does the publ ic not believe the accusations brought up against Scott and why is it assumed that the actions Slager took were fueled by racial prejudice. Between the year 2014 and 2015 polled roughly four thousandRead MorePolice Codes Of Conduct And Police Code Of Ethics1560 Words  | 7 Pagesabide by the common law of the land, there are additional rules and principles they must abide by. This is illustrated in the police officer s code of conduct and police code of ethics. Many police departments have their own code of conduct which are to be followed by the officers. Just like any other profession, there are no fool proof rules and standards. People will (for whatever reason ) try to beat the system or just plain fall short of whats required of them. That’s why ethics and codes ofRead MoreEthics And Character Analysis Interviews1677 Words  | 7 PagesEthics and Character Analysis Interviews Introduction Many law enforcement officers in the United States are good, dedicated and committed to serving the people by protecting them and their property. In most cases, however, we hear news of police officer involvement in criminal activities or unethical behavior such as theft, robbery, abuse of authority and excessive coercion. The indication of police using force against suspects and committing crimes does not appear favorable to the public becauseRead MoreA Nation Of Laws For America1218 Words  | 5 PagesFounding Fathers believed it to be best to have law governing the nation instead of man governing the nation. The Founding Fathers wanted a nation of laws due to their experiences with King George III and his unfair rulings. 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They may include personal issues that officers may be dealing with on a daily basis at home or issues that arise throughout police departments across the countryRead MoreDifferent Aspects Of Criminal Justice914 Words  | 4 Pagesallowed me to develop a deeper knowledge of how and why things are done within the criminal justice field. The assignments have been beneficial to increasing my knowledge and relating criminal justice to Biblical principles . This paper will discuss those Biblical principles, as well as my personal perspective of the law enforcement, court, and correctional sub-systems of criminal justice. Biblical Principles Law Enforcement Sub-System Law enforcement professionals must act with integrity (Hendrix,Read MoreA Nation Of Laws Must Rely On Law Enforcement1329 Words  | 6 Pagesworld without any laws or authority figures? For some people that projects an image of relief and bliss due to the fact that they can literally do what they please. However, on the other side of the spectrum, some people will imagine a corrupt and destroyed world. I am one of those people that believe laws and rules are necessary in society, even if it requires a limitation on our civil freedoms. Throughout the paper I will discuss why as a nation of laws we must rely on law enforcement agencies to enforceRead MoreShould Police Officers Be Required For Where Body Cameras?1479 Words  | 6 Pagesrecognize â€Å"brutality†among law enforcement, but has classified it as â€Å"excessive force.†Excessive force is when law enforcement officers are making arrests, maintaining order, and defending life, law enforcement officers are allowed to use whatever force is â€Å"reasonably â€Å"necessary (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2015). This definition of authority can be used to validate the degree of ill-treatment that descends from the individual interpretation of law enforcement. The second purpose of this reviewRead MorePolicing Practices and Operations1603 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿ Policing Practices and Operations CJA/394 08/24/2014 Policing Practices and Operations Law enforcement officers have many duties. Law enforcement officers are sworn to serve and protect society as well as to fight crime. They also maintain order within their jurisdiction, as well as providing other services that the community will benefit from. Most of the time, police officers are considered to be crime fighters, in which this image has been brought to citizen’s attention byRead MoreEthics in Criminal Justice Administration Essay1533 Words  | 7 PagesEthics in Criminal Justice Administration Analysis Lisa Myatt CJA/484 David Mailloux July 30, 2012 Ethics and professional behavior are an important part of criminal justice administration. Ethics is referred to as what is right or wrong and your moral principles. Criminal justice administration are faced with ethical issues everyday and must deal with this ethical issues in a professional manner. The administration in criminal justice especially the
Thursday, May 14, 2020
McLuhan Essays - 1490 Words
McLuhan Author and social theorist Tom Wolfe once commented on Canadian professor Marshal McLuhan’s mantra, â€Å"the medium is the message†saying: The new technologies†¦radically alter the entire way people use their five senses, the way they react to things, and therefore, their entire lives and the entire society. It doesn’t matter what the content of a medium like t.v. is†¦ 20 hours a day of sadistic cowboys caving in peoples teeth or†¦ Pablo Casals droning away on his cello. How is it that violence and the arts are effective in the same manner? Wouldn’t the content be the most important factor in analyzing a television program? To understand Marshall McLuhan’s theories the reader must not be concerned with the symbolic content of†¦show more content†¦The television connected people in a way that created an â€Å"all at once world†where closed human systems are rare. Suddenly everyone could share the same experience of watching images on t.v. at the same time with the same effects. To McLuhan, this meant returning to a single global village where the electronic media re-tribalize the human race. The whole world is becoming like the small town beauty shop where rumors and gossip include foreign ministers and movie stars. We all become busy bodies tracking everyone else’s business. As we live, we search for meaning and the process of watching television is no different. However, it is the procedure used to compute this meaning that differs. Watching television â€Å"has often been seen as a routine, unproblematic, passive process: the meanings of the programs are seen as given and obvious; the viewer is seen as passively receptive and mindless.†(Livingstone p.3) This would mean that the television audience does not have to do anything but stare without thinking, and that the pictures we see do not leave any space for interpretation. However, we are a generation that has grown up learning to read television and interpret the conventions of television in order to put a meaning to the images shown. This creates the notion of â€Å"reading†television as natural. Marshal McLuhan also noted this active participation and in turn, labeled the television as a cool medium. A Cool medium is a low-definitionShow MoreRelatedThe Medium Is the Massage Mcluhan1051 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"The  medium  is  the  message† McLuhan  defines  the  medium  as  any  extension  of  our  body,  senses  or  mind.  Therefore,  any  instrument  of  change  is  a  medium.  The  resulting  change  McLuhan  refers  to  is  often  subtle  and  it  is  this  change  that  is  the  message  (McLuhan,  1994).  At  first  glance,  McLuhan’sRead MoreMarshall Mcluhan s The Medium Is The Massage1190 Words  | 5 PagesMarshall McLuhan’s The Medium is the Massage, first published in 1967, explores the rise of technology and its impact on mass media. As the media spreads nationwide, McLuhan criticizes the growing power and the increasing influence of the media. McLuhan also argues that â€Å"all media are extensions of some human faculty,†meaning that technology has changed the way humans do things. Rather than walking, we have cars to get us to further places quicker. We use a phone as an â€Å"extension†of our ears,Read MoreMarshall Mcluhan s Theory Of Hot And Cold902 Words  | 4 Pagesgroups and took into consideration extensive understandings of how the media interacts with audience and catoragized them based of an extensive list. Although McLuhan gives an excellent theory of hot vs cold media, time has shown how a hot media has the power of transforming into a cold media and vise verse. In his essay, â€Å"Media Hot and Cold,†McLuhan identified film as a very hot media and the internet as a very cool media, yet these media’s have transcended these barriers due technology improvementsRead MoreLife About Marshall Mcluhan s Life1310 Words  | 6 PagesLife About Marshall McLuhan Marshall McLuhan (also known as Herbert Marshall McLuhan), was born on july 21, 1911 - December 31, 1980 in Edmonton, Alberta. He was a canadian philoshoper of communtication theory and public intellectual. His work was shown as one of the cornerstone of media theory. He went to college at University of Manitoba and Cambridge University and began his teaching career as a Professor of English at several universities in the U.S. and Canada. After that he moved to the UniversityRead MoreMarshal Mcluhan1677 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction We live in a world, which is dominated with technology. Marshall McLuhan theorized that technology will and has become an extension of the human body in order to improve on it and better its functional value and we shall all be united in a â€Å"Global Village†. In this essay, I shall cover some information about Marshall McLuhan, his theories, and analyze the Nintendo Wii gaming console using a tetrad of questions to explain his theory. Marxism and Capitalist Society At its core, MarxismRead MoreMeaning the Medium Is the Message1363 Words  | 6 PagesWhat is the Meaning of The Medium is the Message? by Mark Federman Former Chief Strategist McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology a culture like ours, long accustomed to splitting and dividing all things as a means of control, it is sometimes a bit of a shock to be reminded that, in operational and practical fact, the medium is the message. This is merely to say that the personal and social consequences of any medium - that is, of any extension of ourselves - result from the new scale that isRead MoreUnderstanding The Medi The Extensions Of Man1334 Words  | 6 Pages Incidentally, the Soviet samizdat - part of the same phenomenon. Interesting and new to this day McLuhan observation that human oral culture was more difficult emotionally as Western man is more homogenized, there are certain emotions suppressed to achieve practicality and effectiveness. Word count: 311 Marshall McLuhan s aphorisms have become part of Western mentality and culture. McLuhan predicted the effect of television on society, the essence and nature of advertising, as well as fortyRead MoreHow Money Has Changed Society Essay709 Words  | 3 PagesHow Money Has Changed Society *Works Cited Not Included Marshall McLuhans lasting contribution is his vision of the ways technology affects and changes history and culture. McLuhan proposes that technologies are not mere add-ons to who and what humans are but, rather, alter them as though the technologies really are extensions of humans. Technology determines culture and history to the extent that it shapes and controls the scale and form of human association and actionRead MoreThe Medium Is the Message Media Hot and Cold970 Words  | 4 PagesRunning Head: THE MEDIUM IS THE MESSAGE MEDIA HOT AND COLD The Medium Is the Message Media Hot and Cold Name: Course: Instructor: Date: Introduction According to Mcluhan (2002), the media is a very significant channel of transmission of cultural values from one group to another or across generations. With the introduction of the television in the year 1948 in America, radio became less popular since the new media seemed involving and enticing than the former. It has beenRead MoreThe Current Era Of Media1494 Words  | 6 Pagesinnovation in bringing human society to a new level, a civilized society, development. That is a strong mark optimal development in all fields. This year is the 50th anniversary of Marshall McLuhan published learn about media. A statement made by him that made many people to think that The medium is the message. McLuhan clearly support the notion that media increases the desire and new purposes. (Dekay, Sam H, 2014, page 51-52) He said that media is an extension of the human body, it represents the development
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about Gender Dysphoria Caused by Gender Identity
Gender Dysphoria caused by Gender Identity Introduction Gender as defined by society as a division between biological sex and the roles you must take on in society. In reality gender is a true spectrum that does not follow a simple linear pattern. There are three major aspects that make a person who they are inside. These aspects are Sex, Gender and Gender Identity. Gender Identity Gender identity is basically the concept that gender is not easily divided into two classic genders as is the popular belief. Gender identity is how someone feels inside. Someone’s gender identity can align with the sex they are assigned, it can align with the sex they were not assigned and it can ever align with no recorded identity before.†¦show more content†¦Gender Roles Gender roles are the standards set by a society for each of the genders. Most people will not have a problem with the gender roles established but they can be very harmful to some people. Basic gender roles consist of women being associated with the color pink and men being associated with blue. Roles like these set the norms for our society and determine in the long run what is acceptable and not. Other common gender roles that affect our society in a possible bad way. Men are taught to be strong and powerful while women are taught to be dainty and subordinate (purely depending on culture). These roles make men feel pressured to take on these roles and if not they will be seen as weak and doing something wrong. I feel that women are hurt by these gender roles more than men. These gender roles keep women down. They restrict where they can go in society and they keep a higher standard of what is expected. When someone is subjected to gender roles and they are having problems with their gender identity it can because something called Gender Dysphoria. This is when someone’s gender identity does not connect with the gender roles of their assigned sex. These roles feel virtually unreachable, sometimes they might not even want to fit these roles. Gender Dysphoria Gender Dysphoria is one of the most important issues associated with problems people have with their gender identity. Aspects of Gender Dysphoria includeShow MoreRelatedGender Identity Disorder ( Gid )1209 Words  | 5 Pagestheir biological sex and gender identity, which is known as gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria is formally known as gender identity disorder (GID), gender incongruence or transgenderism. According to Mohammaed Meomon, gender dysphoria is a product of highly complex genetic, neurodevelopmental, and psychological factors (Meomon, 2016). A person’s biological sex is given at birth depending on the appearance of the genitals. What a person identifies with is called gender identity. For example, a womanRead MoreEssay about The Increase of Transgender people1217 Words  | 5 PagesMost people go about their lives without ever giving thought to their gender. They never blink an eye when they chose to go into a bathroom, when the room is divided by genders , when they walk into the store to buy some clothes and go to either the male or female section. However, there are many people who feel like they don’t belong in the section that they are in. These people who are generally referred to as transgender, struggle everyday with feeling out of place - feeling confused about whichRead MoreCultural Landmarks : Pivotal Views And Information1541 Words  | 7 Pagessocial behavior, this article will be focusing on one I personally find exceedingly upsetting: gender identity. Since birth, we have been taught a certain kind of segregation - man and woman, mother and father, boys and girls - taught it as if it were fact, as if it were as concrete as a law of physics; more so, even. We are taught that gender and sex are synonyms, interchangeable, taught even less of gender divergence than we are of sexual orientation. However, recently in the media more and more prominentRead MoreTransgender People Are Not Strangers To Society. Transgen der948 Words  | 4 PagesThroughout the years, transgender people are getting more and more discriminated. Providing transgender people with discrimination protection is exceedingly important. Transgender people have the same right to feel comfortable just as cisgender, one who’s gender corresponds with his or her biological sex, people do. Transgender discrimination has been on the rise for many years, causing the suicide, murder, and rape rates to increase horribly. Statistics show that 41 percent of the transgender populationRead MoreIs Gender Dysphoria Caused Solely By Neurological Dysfunction?1999 Words  | 8 PagesAbstract Is gender dysphoria caused solely by neurological dysfunction? Abstract Dddasdf 1. Introduction Gender dysphoria, formerly referred to as gender identity disorder by Diagnostics and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders by American Psychiatric Association 4th edition and earlier (American Psychiatric Association 2013; gender dysphoria fact sheet.pdf), is marked by irreconcilable differences in one’s biologically expressed gender and the preference for a cross-gender identity (American PsychiatricRead MoreThe Issue Of Gender And Sexuality Essay1398 Words  | 6 Pagesthey are different is based on genetics. Having a different view of oneself’s gender is not always a choice. It is considerably something that is known right away and is usually not second guessed then there are no decision to be made about whether they are choosing to be that way or not. Genetics decides eye color, hair color, and facial features, so accordingly it would most likely decide the decisions and views on gender and sexuality. In reality, it is often overlooked that genetics play a mas siveRead MoreGender Dysphori A Controversial Mental Disorder1793 Words  | 8 Pages Gender Dysphoria Katlynn Tolley Gender Dysphoria is a controversial mental disorder that affects the medical, social, and personal aspects of the lives of many people. There is no definite known cause that is agreed upon in the medical field. Research is still underway to determine causes of Gender Dysphoria as well as effective treatment options and ways to increase the quality of life for people diagnosed with it. Gender Dysphoria, or GD, is a condition in which an individual feelsRead MoreThe Black And Burgundy Made Me Essay1392 Words  | 6 Pageslabel on myself. Many individuals questioned my sexuality and gender. It was like my masculinity was endangered by the colors of my nails and I was no longer considered a man anymore. â€Å"Why do you paint your nails?†â€Å"Are you gay?†â€Å"Is it a new trend?†â€Å"Wait, what is that on your nails?†, I was a threat to what society defines as a man, therefore people were desperate to define the purpose of my painted nails. The interference of sex and gender norms causes disruption to social order and people seem toRead MoreQuestions Regarding Unisex Bathrooms And The Rights Of Transgendered Individuals1862 Words  | 8 Pagespublic places such as schools, jobs, and restaurants in which transgender individuals want to use facilities that correspond to their gender identity (Transgender Restroom Use: Overvie w). Transgender refers to people that changed their gender identity to the gender they feel most comfortable in. According to the article â€Å"Transgender Rights,†Gender means the identity of being male or female, typically used to reference social and cultural differences and not biological ones. Sex refers to the biologicalRead MoreRacial Equality And The Transgender Community1186 Words  | 5 Pagesthe wrong gender, one who defies social gender-based norms by doing things such as cross-dressing, masculine females, feminine males, people who do not identify as one gender or another, people who identify as a third gender, people who identify with no gender, people born with intersex qualities, and possibly others (Currah 3). This paper, though, more generally covers transgender individuals who identify as one gender or another, with their identity being the opposite of their birth gender. Some states
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Health status Report of Vera for Model -
Question: Discuss about theHealth status Report of Vera for Model. Answer: Health Status Report of Vera Based on Comprehensive Model of Assessment The comprehensive mental health assessment is very important to establish a therapeutic alliance with the patient (Coombs et al 2011). It is important to formulate treatment goals and plans after doing a comprehensive mental health assessment of the patient. A comprehensive assessment include collection of information regarding medical history, personal history, social history, family history, the present mental state, cognitive assessment, substance abuse (tobacco, alcohol, drugs), physical assessment, and potential risks (ibid). Now follows the Health status Report of Vera based on Comprehensive model of Mental Health Assessment. History The history taking is very important component of mental health assessment (Bor et al 2016). The history includes psychiatric history, medical history, personal history (Psychosocial/ developmental history), family history and social history (ibid). In the case of Vera, we could not gather any information regarding history. The only information available is that Vera has this illness since a long time. The interviewer asked twice that from how long he is suffering like this. The only answer was, Long time. While taking the history of medication, it was known that Vera stopped taking medication since few weeks or few months as he suspected that the medicines were poisoned by some invaders. Mental State Examination First of all, it is very important to know patients state of mind at the time of interview. It will further help in providing direction to the assessment. It will tell whether the patient is ready for a comprehensive assessment right now, or he is critical and need to be interviewed discretely and need to be given some medical intervention after diagnosis (Akiskal 2016). The patient in this particular Video was quite disturbed. He was feeling cold and was fully clad with jacket, cap, muffler, and gloves. He was shaking his legs constantly. He was putting goggles. He was looking old and weak. He was worried and upset. He was also looking here and there in order to suspect someone around. This was due to auditory hallucinations and a response to that. He was suspecting that some intruders are spying on him and so he was looking for them here and there in the room. He was having tremors due to which he was shaking his legs. He was restless, withdrawn and uncomfortable. There was a littl e degree of anxiety in the behaviour of Veera. It was difficult for the interviewer to build rapport with the Vera as he was suspecting the interviewer initially but later on he started responding well to the asked questions. His speech was also poor and pressured. His face was showing the emotions of disagreement. There was also incoherence in his thoughts. He was feeling as if some intruders are putting thoughts in his mind. He was not having any suicidal thoughts. Neither he was having thoughts of harming himself, nor was he having thoughts of harming others. He was having phobia. He was fearful of some intruders who were spying on him and were yelling at him. These symptoms suggest of Schizophrenia. The interviewer also knew from his case history or case manager that the patient has a history of Schizophrenia. There is no objective diagnostic test of Schizophrenia as of 2013 (American Psychiatric Association 2013). Diagnosis is entirely clinical and is based on symptoms of patient and his experiences which he tells to clinician. The diagnosis is also based on the behaviour of patient as described by friends and family members of patient (ibid). The symptoms of Schizophrenia are often described in terms of positive and negative symptoms (Kneisl Trigoboff 2009). Positive symptoms are those symptoms which are not present in healthy individuals but are present in Schizophrenia patients. It includes auditory hallucinations, delusions, disorganised thoughts speech, abnormal social behaviour, and other manifestations of Psychosis (ibid). Negative symptoms are those which are deficits in patient with Schizophrenia as compared to normal healthy person. These include poor social skills, inability to form good relationships, difficulties in adjustment, inability to be happy and experience pleasure, poor speech, and lack of motivation in life (ibid). This particular patient is also showing similar symptoms. Sensorium and Cognition Cognition in schizophrenia guides us towards pathophysiology, and treatment of the disease (Green Harvey 2014). The study of cognitive impairment in schizophrenia has become central in the study of schizophrenia itself, and the course prognosis of its treatment (ibid). The poor cognition makes the patient functionally handicap. Anti-psychotic medicines treat the psychosis but cognition needs psychiatric rehabilitation, to be fully functional and participate in social life (ibid). The patient was oriented in terms of time, place and person. He was able to tell the name of the interviewer and his profession. He was also able to tell the day and date. He came all by himself by taking a bus. His memory was fine. He was able to tell the names of past five prime ministers of Australia. He was slightly disoriented. He was having abstract thoughts of 5-6 people in red cars spying on him; people on TV putting thoughts in his mind; hearing voices that tell him to take-off his clothes; intruders have poisoned his medicines etc. Insight Schizophrenia is commonly accompanied with poor insight (Vander-Meer et al 2013). Insight includes clinical insight and cognitive insight. Clinical insight include self-awareness of his illness, and recognizing the need for treatment. Cognitive insight includes ability of patient to distance himself from abnormal experiences and to consider alternative explanations for their beliefs (ibid). The process include self-reflection and conscious evaluation (ibid). The patient did not consider himself ill. He told interviewer that nothing is wrong with him. Veera did not admit that he has any mental illness. He also stopped taking medicines and thought he does not need them and some intruders have poisoned those medicines. He came here because he wanted to get rid of intruders who were yelling at him and spying at him and were harassing him. Veera believed that the interviewer will help him out to fix these intruders. The interviewer assured him that these intruders will be gone by evening. Social and Religious Beliefs of Patient It is very important to assess patient regarding his social, cultural and religious beliefs; which will assist while planning social recovery of the patient (Paniagua 2013). In this particular case, the patient Veera is a religious person who goes to Church every Sunday and he feels safe there. He does not have auditory hallucinations at that place. He considers the intruders which are spying on him cannot enter the church and cannot harm him at that place. It is a very positive clue regarding the patient which can help him in his recovery. Substance Abuse Assessment Drug and alcohol abuse is commonly present in patients of Schizophrenia (Gregg, Barrowclough Haddock 2007). About 50 percent of patients with Schizophrenia indulge in drug alcohol abuse (ibid). The patient was a smoker. At the time of interview, the patient was craving for a smoke and he was having withdrawal symptoms. He was anxious and was shaking his legs. Risk Assessment The patient was not taking his medicines, which was a risk for his health and others too. He was prescribed Olanzipine and was taking it up to few months back. Then he started suspecting that few inruders are around, spying on him, and have poisoned his medicines. So he stopped taking medications. The patient is not suicidal at present. Neither is he having thoughts of harming himself nor others. The patient also does not look violent at present. But we cant ensure that the patient will not be suicidal or violent as the patients diagnosed with Schizophrenia commit suicide impulsively or become very violent impulsively (Taylor 2010). The patient has stopped taking anti-psychotics and is having hallucinations; which is increasingly associated with suicides in Schizophrenic patients (ibid). Critique of the Interview Process It is important to form a therapeutic relationship with the patient while interviewing. Developing a good repo with the patient, winning trust of the patient, and making him comfortable while interviewing; are essential requirements of an effective assessment. The mental health patient should be ensured that this environment is safe for him and the interviewer is here to help him (MacKinnon 2015). It is also important to ask questions regarding his social, cultural and spiritual environment (Paniagua 2013). In this particular interview Vera told the interviewer that he goes to Church every Sunday; which is important information and will help in his recovery. The patient also told the interviewer that he feels safe at Church and do not hear voices there. The interviewer might have further asked where else do he feel safe. He might have asked about his family and friends, his supporters, his abusers etc. He could have gathered positive and negative social cues about his life and social environment. The interviewer did not take detailed history of the patient as the patient was quite upset, uncomfortable, and restless; and therefore in critical situation, interviewer preferred to keep the interview discrete. The interviewer might have asked about psychosocial/developmental history, which is very important. Here we could gather information regarding his childhood, any history of abuse or trauma, past living situations as well as present living situations, any support, education, occupation, hobbies etc. The history about his social environment is also very important including family, friends, work, and finance. History of mental illness in the family or any suicides in the family, relationships of patient with other family members, are very important questions to be asked in an interview. However the mental health assessment can proceed without taking detailed history (Davies 1997). The diagnosis could be made in few seconds (ibid) but it is essential to look for potential risks by taking detailed interview. The interviewer was finding it difficult to build rapport with the Vera. The interviewer subsequently convinced Vera that he will help him out with his problem. Vera was constantly telling the interviewer that, just relieve me of this invaders who are spying on me and yelling at me. The interviewer assured the Vera that by the end of the day, he will be alright and these intruders will be gone. Thus it is very important during mental health assessment, to constantly tell the patient that interviewer is here to help him. The interviewer should not argue with patients abstract ideas. For example here the interviewer told the Vera that these intruders will be gone by the end of the day; instead of telling the patient that there are no intruders. Thus interviewer should never confront the patient (Australian 2017). The patient told the interviewer that he needs to smoke which implied that patient is a smoker. Interviewer must have further asked the patient about other substance abuse, for e.g. alcohol, drugs, sedatives, nicotine, caffeine etc. Further the interviewer must have asked about amount of intoxication and levels of dependence. The interviewer asked Vera to go to the smoking room and continuing the further interview later-on after coming back. This was a good strategy to make the patient comfortable and winning his confidence. The interviewer asked the patient that what these voices tell him. This was a very important strategy to know the potential risks. Generally the voices in patients of Schizophrenia tell them to harm themselves or others; which is a potential risk and have legal aspects (McCarthy-Jones 2017). Thus it is very important to ask the patient what these voices ask you to do? The patients generally respond that, Cant you hear them which is a very common response and should be handled carefully (ibid). The interviewer here further clarified that whether these voices tell you to harm yourself or others; which was a good assessment. The patient was looking quite uncomfortable while giving interview. He was uncomfortable when questions were asked and wanted to quickly get them finished and go for a smoke. The interviewer should have made the patient comfortable first. The starting lines of conversation should include, I am here to help you with your troubles, Tell me all about you, I will find some solution for your problems, You have come here to solve your problems and I will help you in that. The interviewer needs to tell such lines repeatedly and frequently. In this way, the interviewer must have won the trust of patient and the patient would have felt more comfortable giving a detailed interview. This strategy is not as easy as it sounds and may not work most of the times; as recent research has shown that patients with Schizophrenia are less likely to recognize empathy in others questions and behave indifferent to empathetic questions. They only perceive that they are object of anothers attention (Berrada-B aby et al 2016). Thus interviewing a patient with Schizophrenia requires great skills especially when the patient is currently under psychosis and hallucinations. In the present case-study of Vera, the interviewer handled the situation very skilfully and was able to collect lots of information which helped in comprehensive assessment of the patient and this will further help in planning his treatment and recovery. References Akiskal, H. S. (2016). The mental status examination. In The Medical Basis of Psychiatry (pp. 3-16). Springer New York. American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5). American Psychiatric Pub. Australian, R. (2017). Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of schizophrenia and related disorders. Australian New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. Berrada-Baby, Z., Oker, A., Courgeon, M., Urbach, M., Bazin, N., Amorim, M. A., ... Brunet-Gouet, E. (2016). Patients with schizophrenia are less prone to interpret virtual others' empathetic questioning as helpful. Psychiatry research, 242, 67-74. Bor, R., Eriksen, C., Scragg, P., Oakes, M. (2016). The practicalities of clinical history-taking and mental state assessments of pilots. In: Pilot Mental Health Assessment and Support: A practitioner's guide. Routledge. Coombs, T., Curtis, J., Crookes, P. (2011). What is a comprehensive mental health nursing assessment? A review of the literature. International journal of mental health nursing, 20(5), 364-370. Davies, T. (1997). ABC of mental health. Mental health assessment. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 314(7093), 1536. Green, M. F., Harvey, P. D. (2014). Cognition in schizophrenia: Past, present, and future. Schizophrenia Research: Cognition, 1(1). DOI: 10.1016/j.scog.2014.02.001. Gregg L; Barrowclough C; Haddock G (2007). "Reasons for increased substance use in psychosis". Clin Psychol Rev. 27 (4): 494510. doi:10.1016/j.cpr.2006.09.004. Kneisl C. and Trigoboff E. (2009). Contemporary Psychiatric- Mental Health Nursing. 2nd edition. London: Pearson Prentice Ltd. p. 371. MacKinnon, R. A., Michels, R., Buckley, P. J. (2015). The psychiatric interview in clinical practice. American Psychiatric Pub. McCarthy-Jones, S. (2017). Can't You Hear Them?: The Science and Significance of Hearing Voices. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Paniagua, F. A., Yamada, A. M. (Eds.). (2013). Handbook of multicultural mental health: Assessment and treatment of diverse populations. Academic Press. Taylor, M., Hor, K. (2010). Suicide and schizophrenia: a systematic review of rates and risk factors. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 4, 130. van der Meer, L., de Vos, A. E., Stiekema, A. P., Pijnenborg, G. H., van Tol, M. J., Nolen, W. A., ... Aleman, A. (2013). Insight in schizophrenia: involvement of self-reflection networks?. Schizophrenia bulletin, 39(6), 1288-1295.
Friday, April 10, 2020
How important is the character of Friar Lawrence to the plot and dramatic quality of Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet Essay Example
How important is the character of Friar Lawrence to the plot and dramatic quality of Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet Essay In my essay I will be writing about the vitality of Friar Lawrences role, this includes how he fitted into the whole plot, what dramatic effect he had on the audience and most importantly I will be writing about the three main parts of his role. Friar Lawrence is a crucial character in the play Romeo and Juliet. The play was written by the famous William Shakespeare circa 1600 AD. The play is about two star crossed lovers living in the town of Verona who come from two great leading families who absolutely feel hatred for one another. These two families, Montague and Capulet have been bought up in conflict against one another as a part of an ever-lasting feud between the two leading members of the two most important families of Verona.The first time Romeo and Juliet see each other is at an annual party that is held at the Capulets mansion. As it is a masquerade party Romeo manages to sneak in. it is here that Romeo first sees Juliet and they fall in love at first sight. From then on R omeo constantly meets Juliet at her mansion in secret. In doing this the bond between both of them deeply strengthens encouraging them both to make the fatal decision of getting married. Knowing that their parents would never approve of their marriage, as a part of the ancient feud between both their families Romeo asks Friar Lawrence to wed him and Juliet in secret without their parents consent or blessing.The reason for Romeo approaching the Friar is because he is more of a neutral character as he is a friend of both the Montagues and the Capulets. The Friar knows of this ancient feud between both families and is shocked when Romeo first tells the Friar that he is love with Juliet. The Friar takes Romeos situation into consideration and after long thoughts decides to marry them. This is shocking to the audience because as a man of the Christian church and a religious man he would have been expected to honour the values of their parents. This leads the audience to wonder what the F riar is up to.Friar Lawrence knows Romeo and Juliet are acting against their parents wishes and he justifies this by saying In one respect Ill thy assistant be, for this alliance may so happy prove to turn your households rancour into pure love. In saying this Friar hopes to achieve peace between both the Montagues and the Capulet believing that Romeos marriage will bring them together. This leads to there being a very dramatic environment surrounding the audience because they know the couples fate will be a dramatic one from the very beginning of the play and by Romeo and Juliet becoming one in marriage, this leads them one step closer to their awaiting doom. Also it allows the audience to anticipate what the reaction of their parents will be when they find out of this tragedy. At the wedding Friar Lawrence warns the couple to love each other moderately as too much love would lead their relationship to ruins These violent delights have violent ends, this is an example of dramatic i rony, as the audience know that the couple are destined to die.While all this is happening lord Capulet is arranging a day for Juliet to get married to a respectable man by the name of Paris. Juliets wishes are not to marry Paris but her father persists on her to do this. In spite of this Juliet approaches the Friar in order to seek help to find a solution to her problem. Because of the state Juliet is in, the Friar decides to help Juliet, to prevent her from harming herself. The Friar sums up a sleeping potion and gives it to Juliet saying Then is it likely thou wilt undertake a thing like death to shide away this shame, that copst with death himself to scape from it; and, if thou darst, Ill give thee remedy. In giving Juliet the sleeping potion the Friar hopes to make it appear that Juliet is dead on her wedding day when in reality she is in a deep sleep awaiting to wake up in Romeos arms in her family burial tomb.The Friar then begins to reveal his plan to Juliet. He tells her to go home and pretend to her family everything is fine by telling her father that shell go ahead with the wedding. The Friar also tells her to drink his potion the night before the wedding. Hold, then. Go home, be merry; give consent to marry Paris. Wednesday is tomorrow. Tomorrow night look that thou lie alone; Let not the nurse lie with thee in thy chamber. Take thou dis distilled liquor drink thou off; when presently through all thy veins shall run a cold and drowsy humour. The Friars plan was for Juliet to take the potion the night before the wedding to appear dead the morning after.This would relieve her of her marriage with Paris. They would have the funeral and lay her body along side her dead cousin Tybalt inside her family tomb. The Friar would then send Romeo a letter explaining his plan, telling Romeo to return from Mantua to Verona and await his loved to wake up in his arms before escaping to Mantua free of their parents, to live happily ever after. Shall Romeo by my lett ers know our drift; and hither shall he come, and he and I will watch thy waking, and that very night shall Romeo bear thee hence to Mantua.Hence the fact of something going wrong, Juliet accepted the Friars plan and did as she was told. The Friar then sent Romeo a letter explaining his plan. The Friar trusted the letter with another priest and set him to his journey to Mantua to deliver the letter. On the morning of Juliets wedding day, her Nurse calls out for her but she does not answer so her Nurse enters her chamber and as expected finds Juliet dead. Juliets family rush her to Friar Lawrence for help. The Friar then shocks the audience immerging a doubtful atmosphere upon them leaving the audience in suspense to find out what happens next when Friar Lawrence lies to Juliets family which is so unexpected from a religious man of a Christian church. In repliance to Lord Capulets plea for help, the Friar says Dry up your tears and stick your rosemary on this fair corse, and, as the custom is, and in her best array, bear her to church.At Juliets funeral, Benvolio sees Juliet being carried to the tomb and rushes in search of Romeo to tell him Juliet is dead. On his way to Mantua, he surpasses the priest who is to deliver the Friars letter to Romeo with his plan, so Romeo still does not know of what is going on. Benvolio reaches Romeo and is asked by Romeo how is my lady Juliet? Benvolio with tears in his eyes manages to reply she is dead my lord. Romeo is shocked and on the way back to see Juliet he stops to buy poison, whilst on his journey back to Verona he goes past the priest with the Friars letter, but neither of them notices each other and carry on their journey.Romeo arrives at the tomb and before entering he asks Benvolio to wait for him outside. He enters the tomb and sees Juliet lying along side Tybalt. He walks up to Tybalt and asks him for forgiveness for having killed him. He then walks up to Juliet and assuming she is dead drinks the poison he boug ht earlier on. Moments later he dies along side his beloved Juliet. The Friar without wondering weather Romeo got his message or not assumes he did and goes to meet up with him in the tomb like planned. When the Friar arrives at the tomb he sees Benvolio and asks him where Romeo is and Benvolio replies in saying that Romeo is inside the tomb, the Friar then rushes inside to see Romeo dead laying beside Juliet on the floor at that precise moment Juliet awakes from her deep sleep and asks the Friar Where art my Romeo?The Friar hears a large crowd approaching and in panic of being caught for what he has done he replies to Juliet come Ill dispose of thee. Among a sister hood of holy nuns stay not to question, but the watch is coming. Come, go, good Juliet I dare know longer stay. Juliet then refuses to leave with the Friar after she sees Romeos dead corpse lying on the floor. Seeing Romeo dead before her makes her want to kill herself. The Friar then leaves her alone inside the tomb and runs away. He does this because he does not want both families to find out that he was responsible for the death of Romeo and that he was acting against the wishes of their parents. Juliet then pulls for Romeos dagger and stabs herself. It took the deaths of two innocent people to cease this ancient feud, to finally see sense.In the Friar running out of the tomb and leaving Juliet alone, brings the play to a climax. The effect this would have on an audience would be shocking because the audience would expect the Friar to own up to what he did instead of running away from his mistakes and not talking the blame for causing this tragedy.I believe that the Friar should not be criticised for having helped out Romeo and Juliet because he was doing it for a good cause which was to put an end to the feud between both families and bring them together in piece. On the other hand he did not uphold the Christian values of a Christian church which the audience and myself would have expected, he should have been straight with Romeo and Juliet and have advised them to be honest with their parents instead of helping them act in secret behind their backs. It was the Friars three main parts of his role which bought the play to a climax and left the audience eager to find out what would happen next bringing them closer to the play.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Free Essays on Does Living In The Urban Environment Causes Mental Illness
Does the urban environment itself cause mental illness? Mental illness has been present in the world as far back as biblical times, and stigma against the mentally ill has had a long and inglorious history in western civilization. For centuries, the mentally ill have had to suffer an unremitting cycle of exile, extermination, and inhumane confinement. They have had few advocates. Ignorance about brain illness has fueled the theory that mentally ill persons are demon-possessed. To our disgrace, even today there are those who still hold that belief and act on it. In the Middle Ages, a few enlightened centers of care, such as the community at Gheel in Belgium where a group of compassionate monks reached out, have provided support and caring to people suffering from mental disorders. The center at Gheel continues to offer foster care and asylum in 1993. But it is a notable exception. More prevalent practices have been to exile the mentally ill, burn them as witches, or set them adrift on overcrowded ships to wander between European ports. Pop e Innocent VII authorized the extermination of witches in 1484, and a Dominican publication, the Malleus Maleficarum, detailed the recognizable behaviors of "witches." These behaviors would be clearly recognizable to any modern psychiatrist as the same symptoms of schizophrenia, manic-depression, and severe depression that are detailed in the present Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (Minkoff 32-36). Within last years, more and more mental illnesses appear in the society, especially in the urban environment. Usually excessively stressful conditions of the urban life cause mental disorders. Why does that happen? Different theories explaining human emotion, thought, and behavior abound. Societies and mental health professionals continued to be puzzled about what constituted an appropriate approach to severely ill people whose behaviors and expressions frightened their neighbors. In eighteenth-century En... Free Essays on Does Living In The Urban Environment Causes Mental Illness Free Essays on Does Living In The Urban Environment Causes Mental Illness Does the urban environment itself cause mental illness? Mental illness has been present in the world as far back as biblical times, and stigma against the mentally ill has had a long and inglorious history in western civilization. For centuries, the mentally ill have had to suffer an unremitting cycle of exile, extermination, and inhumane confinement. They have had few advocates. Ignorance about brain illness has fueled the theory that mentally ill persons are demon-possessed. To our disgrace, even today there are those who still hold that belief and act on it. In the Middle Ages, a few enlightened centers of care, such as the community at Gheel in Belgium where a group of compassionate monks reached out, have provided support and caring to people suffering from mental disorders. The center at Gheel continues to offer foster care and asylum in 1993. But it is a notable exception. More prevalent practices have been to exile the mentally ill, burn them as witches, or set them adrift on overcrowded ships to wander between European ports. Pop e Innocent VII authorized the extermination of witches in 1484, and a Dominican publication, the Malleus Maleficarum, detailed the recognizable behaviors of "witches." These behaviors would be clearly recognizable to any modern psychiatrist as the same symptoms of schizophrenia, manic-depression, and severe depression that are detailed in the present Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (Minkoff 32-36). Within last years, more and more mental illnesses appear in the society, especially in the urban environment. Usually excessively stressful conditions of the urban life cause mental disorders. Why does that happen? Different theories explaining human emotion, thought, and behavior abound. Societies and mental health professionals continued to be puzzled about what constituted an appropriate approach to severely ill people whose behaviors and expressions frightened their neighbors. In eighteenth-century En...
Saturday, February 22, 2020
International banking assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
International banking assignment - Essay Example For this reason, they are often regulated through creation of policies and regulations. Most nations have developed fractional banking systems, which are essential in the regulation of the banking industry (Somashekar 2009, 34). Through this system, banks have various liquid assess, which are equal to part of their current liabilities. In addition to different regulations aimed at ensuring liquidity, banks are often subject to the most minimal capital requirements depending on the internationally set standards that are known as Basel Accords. It has often been said that liquidity is something that be recognized easily that being defined; additionally, it is a highly elusive concept. As far as its barest essentials are concerned, is all about having cash at the moment one needs it. In relation to banks, liquidity can be defined as the ability of a bank to provide funding to the increases in assets in order to achieve various obligations as soon as they arise (Hall 2008, 16). This often has to take place without the banks having to incur any unacceptable losses. Management of liquidity risks aims at ensuring that banks can continue performing their most fundamental roles. It is important to note that while outflows are often identified with certainties, risks are often due to need to achieve indecisive obligations about cash flow. In most cases, they depend on the external events as well as the behavior and actions of various agents. The liquidity aspects of a certain bank are ultimately a function of its confidence. This confidence arises from the counterparties and depositors in the banking institution and its presumed capital adequacy or solvency. A liquidity shortfall in a certain individual institution can often have various repercussions in its broad systems. In this case, the withdrawal of one institution has a multiplier effect, having the ability to spread to other systems, which can bring about various
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3
Media - Essay Example They target almost everyone. In the recent past, advertisers have tremendously shifted their focus to children. Eric Schlosser’s through his article tries to bring to our attention how today child advertising is in high note through the various tactics marketers and advertisers are using to get today children to always want and thus in that context demand for their products (Schlosser 356). Eric brings to our attention that advertisers know that if the children saw their advertisement and which are appealing to them, they will with no doubt nag their parent to get the products for them. Again, through the article, we find how advertisers have begun using catching songs and cartoon characters to attract children. Today’s young generation have changed tremendously through media especially through advertisements, as observed by Eric Schlosser’s essay, today even products that young children at their tender age, who are not allowed to access some products such as cig arettes, companies are still coming with ways of developing unique advertisements that are aimed at targeting the children. These companies intelligently achieve this by changing the packaging around these products and go a step further to ensure that they develop iconic symbols on these products so that the children will recognize them even in future. This, they do putting in mind that even though the children will not necessarily access this at young age they will with no doubt remember them from the same advertisements they saw years ago when they were still young. Clearly it is with no doubt that that media has more negatives than positives effects on today’s young people. As a matter of fact, it is in my opinion that media has a tremendously negatives effects on our young children (Johnson 2011). From the article â€Å"Television: The Plug-In Drug†by Marie Winn, we find that today, the television has invaded most family both in known and unknown territories. This is characterized with wake up, go to school, watch television and thereafter retire to bed and this is the pattern in many families today. Almost every family today has a television set on their household and this has led many families dynamic to suffer. Watching television has clearly become the norm in almost every family today and this is leading to loss of touch such the quality of sharing a meal together, going out on holiday and vacations (Winn 457). Television has unknowingly eliminated most of the individuality enjoyed aspect of families and has in turn managed to create a boring uniformity, which is experienced with all families that watches the television. Television also affects how today’s children communicate with other people in the society, it’s evident that a child who spend his/her all day indoors watching television will have difficulties in maintaining eye conducts, and even of great concern failure to maintain conversations and even trust the same people in the society. I strongly believe that in today’s world the media is changing our young people, the family as a whole and even culture and more so education. As observed from Marie Winn’s article, television is invading many families; it is interfering with our today’s culture and eroding most of the family’s rituals in a faster way. Today television denies the families an opportunity to share their daily experiences and in return build their
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
The Male Dominant Image Essay Example for Free
The Male Dominant Image Essay In his play The Lion and the Jewel, Soyinka expresses his opinions about society through his characters, as many authors do in their writing. One of the characters, Baroka, frequently seeks to take more wives despite his age and subjects his current wives to humiliating tasks such as plucking his armpit hairs and tickling his feet as a way of showing his power over them. Through the characterization of Baroka and the attitudes of other characters in the play, Soyinka explores the idea that a man needs to show dominance over women to be considered a man by society. Despite his age and already having a larger number of wives, Baroka is still seeking to take another wife, specifically a young one. This is most likely because he wants to exert the image that he is still desirable and his sexual ability has not been diminished with age. It is very important for Baroka to maintain this image, and this is why he is still persistent to take Sidi as a wife, even after she clearly refuses several times. Image is very important to Baroka, and his existing image had been tainted by the photograph of him by a latrine. Sidi, however, is young and has the image of the most beautiful woman in the village due to the pictures of her in the magazine. Bakora believes that making the most beautiful woman in the village his wife is the perfect way to elevate his image. While he is seducing her, he tells her â€Å"the truth of this, old wine thrives best in a new bottle.†(p. 1185) The old wine is a metaphor for himself and the new bottle is Sidi. He seeks the new bottle to enhance himself. He will not stand to be seen as less than a woman, to have his position as a man and a leader diminished. This is why in the end, he resorts to physical force to get Sidi to marry him when all else fails. By tradition, she is bound to marry the man she loses her virginity to, and Baroka exploits this. The fact that Baroka ultimately used tradition to exploit her also implies that much of the twisted notion that a man must exercise dominance over a woman to be powerful stems from tradition. Baroka also asserts his power by taking advantage of his wives and forcing them to do humiliating tasks for his pleasure. While the things he makes them do are not brutal or violent, it asserts the fact that they are below him and he holds the power in the relationship. They must pluck his armpit hairs and tickle his feet, although he never does something for their pleasure in return. In regards to them performing these tasks, he uses such statements as â€Å"†¦thou Sadiku, thy plainly unadorned hands encase a sweet sensuality which age will not destroy. Beyond a doubt Sadiku, thou art the queen of them all.†(p. 1172) This statement, while in his mind possibly meant to praise, is actually quite demeaning. These statements reduce his wives simply to objects of pleasure for him. This shows how by making a woman his wife, Baroka ultimately restricts the balance of power in the relationship, with himself permanently at the top, and his wives permanently at the bottom. They are not his partners in equal, nor do they assist him in making important decisions. They are simply there to pleasure him and maintain his status. Women are self-enhancing tools for Baroka, merely useful accessories. This is no different from wearing expensive rings to show off and raise one’s status. It is not only Baroka’s thoughts and actions that assert the idea that a man needs to show dominance over women to be considered a man by society, but also those of other people in the play. When Sidi learns from Sadiku that Baroka is supposedly no longer fertile, they both view it as him having lost his power. This is demonstrated by a line Sadiku aims at Lakunle when he witnesses them celebrating Baroka’s supposed downfall. â€Å"You a man? Is Baroka no more a man than you? And if he is no longer a man, than what are you?†(p 1170) This shows how the idea that a man needs to show dominance to have power is ingrained in the people of the village, just as gender roles and are ingrained in our society today. The fact that women react exactly in this way to a man’s loss of virility in The Lion and the Jewel shows that Baroka’s fears that he will lose the respect of the village if he does not constantly verify himself are justified. He is getting older and less attractive, so he feels the need to constantly prove his power. In conclusion, Baroka’s character represents a man who is trying to verify his power and maintain his image with age in the way his society deems appropriate. Gender roles are present in all societies, and although they vary somewhat from one society to another, it is never a good thing to have cookie cutter expectations that all men or all women are expected to fit into. It is extremely harmful psychologically for people to always measure themselves to a standard of an ideal, when in reality few can be a perfect example. This also brings up the question, why are gender roles present in the first place? Why is there a set way a man should act or a woman should act? I believe that these standards originate from tradition. Polygamy is the tradition of the Yoruban people in The Lion and the Jewel, so naturally one may be inclined to use the number of wives a man has as a way to measure him. Likewise, in Christianity, gender roles stem from the story of Adam and Eve in the Bible. Soyinka’s The Lion and The Jewel portrays a character who commits many misdoings, but in the end he is simply trying to fit with his society and tradition.
Monday, January 20, 2020
In The Park Analysis Essay -- Gwen Harwood, poem analysis, poetry
In the park written by Gwen Harwood, was originally written under a male pseudonym. The poem represents the idea of changing identity because of certain circumstances as well as challenging common ideas, paradigms and values & beliefs which is commonly held amongst mothers in today’s society. Harwood wrote the poem with relatively simple composition techniques but it provides a rather big impact which helps to give an insight into the life of a mother or nurturer which bares the burdens of children. The title of the poem ‘In The Park’ immediately gives us an image of the geographical landscape in which the poem is set in and from further analysis, the poem is written in a sonnet structure where its 14 lines broken up into two parts of 8 lines and 6 lines with a break in between. Though we normally associate sonnets with romantic love poems, it is a different scenario with this poem as it is slightly ironic because challenges us by attempting to show the negative effects of love where the woman’s life has been destroyed basically due to the children and how love is no longer present in her life. ‘The woman’ of the poem has no specific identity and this helps us even further see the situation in which the woman is experiencing, the lost of one’s identity. Questions start to be raised and we wonder if Harwood uses this character to portray her views of every woman which goes into the stage of motherhood, where much sacrifice is needed one being the identity that was present in society prior to children. The first 4 lines it is indeed set the in park and Harwood has cleverly chosen the park as the setting of the poem as many people see the park as a mundane, boring place. Our assumptions of the park as a scene is normally ... ...-lover is in control, the woman is in a total opposite situation and the conversation has reached its limit and the ex-lover is cued to leave in a subtle but quick manner with a ‘departing smile’. With the final lines give us a better understanding of her situation, where her life has been devoured by the children. As she is nursing the youngest child, that sits staring at her feet, she murmurs into the wind the words â€Å"They have eaten me alive.†A hyperbolic statement symbolizing the entrapment she is experiencing in the depressing world of motherhood. These final words sum up her feeling of helplessness and emptiness. Her identity is destroyed in a way due to having children. We assume change is always positive and for the greater good but Harwood’s poem challenges that embedding change is negative as the woman has gained something but lost so much in return.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Health Services Organization Essay
Identify and evaluate at least three forces that have affected the development of the health care system in the U.S. The U.S. healthcare system has continually evolved due to the success of innovative fore-thought. These innovations have been both strategic and tactical, influenced by all segments of the health care industry. There are many key strategic and tactical innovations, I will elaborate on three forces I feel affect the development of the healthcare system in the U.S.; they are: Increasing cost of healthcare, affect of economics on the healthcare system, and labor force trends in the U.S. as it relate to healthcare. * The steadily increasing cost of healthcare in the U.S. 1. The Unites States is known as the land of plenty, but if you are a native of this great nation you might feel quite differently about that statement. Being poor here has to be much like being poor anywhere else in the world, poor is poor; what might be different is opportunity. The opportunity that we are going to discuss is that of the pursuit of receiving the best healthcare regardless of race, creed, national origi n, or station in life (being with or without money). The cost of health care in the U.S. neared 2.6 trillion dollars in 2010, this is a staggering amount of money; but what make it more astonishing is that this amount is ten times higher than the 1980’s sum of 256 billion dollars that was generated by health care system (population bulletin, 2008). The rate of funds generated by health care has slowed down in recent years, but still is expected to grow faster than the national income. Our country need to address this growing burden and not just let politician say it’s a major policy priority, really make it a priority for the overall good of our nation. Furthermore, the United States has been in a recession for most of the past decade, resulting in a high rate of unemployment and lower incomes for many Americans. These conditions have put even more attention on health spending due to its affordability. Since 2002, employer- sponsored health care coverage for employee and family premiums increased by 97%, making the pursuit of health care a burden on the workers and employers. Medicare covers disabled people as well as the elderly; while Medicaid provides medical coverage for low-income families. Medicare enrollment has grown tremendously over the years due to the aging baby boomers and Medicaid due to the recession. This has added considerably to government spending, straining both federal and state budgets. Health spending accounted for 17.9% of the nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2010 (, Health Policy from the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, Explained). * Economic affect healthcare. 2. Economics and health care is very simple to explain, especially by someone who has seen first-hand families being mentally tormented, because they could not afford dental care for their children, the check-up not covered by the company’s insurance to enable your child to be eligible to play football, or not being able to afford the prescription medication. There are many reasons families go without medical care, and far too many times it’s just because the individual is living just above the poverty line; which make them ineligible for assistance. I personally feel the affect economics have on healthcare or the lack there of, can never be explained any clearer; unless you are experiencing it yourself. * Labor force trends in the U.S. 3. In the 1960’s the U.S. labor force grow at the rate of 1.7 percent annually and continue to grow into the 70’s as the baby boomer (those born between 1946-1964 generation continued to reach adulthood and enter the workforce. During this same period women began to enter the workforce as never seen before causing the labor force to grow at a rate of 2.6 percent annually. One might not see this as a health issue, but with women joining the workforce men began to feel the pressure, causing health complication. Women on the other hand who at one time lived the life of a care free house wife, but now working in corporate America; has started to feel stress now heart attacks are the number one killer of the American female species. I know there was nothing glamorous about being a slave, but slaves lived with just about no illnesses or life threatening diseases, know blacks have the highest numbers when it comes to diabetes, HIV, and high blood pressure than any other ethnic group (but we are free), freedom should make us take life more serious and take care of ourselves as well as our children. During the 1980’s and 90’s fewer people entered the workforce, therefore the labor force growth slowed down and ranged from 1.6 to 1.1 percent. Even though we had covered on set of baby boomers we were about to see another set reach adulthood and struggle for a place in the workplace (U.S. labor force trends), in-turn means no health insurance because they are no longer their parents dependent. Healthcare is becoming a great necessity due to infectious diseases, the year of the flower children seem to have spread more than just flowers. Health Insurance Companies are not seeing their usual capital gain at this point, consequently a change in the way benefits are paid across overall is about to change. At one time people thought as long as they paid their insurance premiums the benefits would be there when or if it was needed (we learned to read the fine print). * Speculate whether or not these forces will continue to affect the health care system in the U.S. over the next decade. (Include a force that was not mentioned that you believe will impact the health care system of the nation. Unfortunately we show no immediate signs that the cost of healthcare will decline in the Unites States anytime soon. With all the bickering about healthcare, there’s one fact everyone seems to agree on: American medicine cost too much, especially considering what we’re getting for the money. As expert look toward the future, they don’t see the cost dropping dramatically anytime soon. Curbing the rise in healthcare cost depend on our ability to gain control of the many forces causing them to climb, technology has helped other industries lower costs by eliminating waste and increasing efficiencies, but it’s done the opposite in healthcare (Lisa Zamosky, Los Angeles Times, September 12, 2012. Without any dispute I’m sure we can all agree the economy will always affect healthcare and the people who need it, which will always be everyone. We all hope the economy will make a rapid recovery, but that’s just not how things work; just as it took decades of bad decisions to get us where we are today it’s going to take time for our nation to make a meaningful recovery. Over the next 50 years, the labor force is projected to grow even more slowly (at about 0.6 percent per year) as baby boomers retire. What will this mean as far as health care is concern; well as we grow older our need for healthcare on a regular base becomes more essential than it was when we were in our prime (population bulletin). Baby boomers, reaching senior living status promotes a different type of demand on the medical system; a tremendous demand for those employed by senior living facilities, as well as those providing home health care. * Evaluate the importance of technology in the health care system. Technology is the driving force behind the universe, if you are not a believer just think about the devices you use to get through your day; hence technology. Medical technology is constantly presenting us with new devices that make our lives more fulfilling, we have laser surgery, hip replacement, artificial limb to replace worn out or damaged ones, cataract surgery that have advanced so rapidly it’s amazing, can you believe a person can have heart surgery and be walking around the next day? This is all because of technology, it’s amazing. This is something we cannot put a price on, what is being learned and the advances being made due to research technology is saving lives as well as making lives better each and every day. References:, Health Policy, from the Henry J. Kaiser family foundation, Explained, Cost and Spending. ics/Costs-and-Spending Population Bulletin, Vol. 63 No. 2, June 2008, U.S. Labor Forces Trends By: Marlene A. Lee and Mark Mather (Marlene A. Lee is a senior research associate and editor of the Population Bulletin at the Population Reference Bureau. She holds degrees in public policy analysis and development sociology/demography from the University of North Carolina At Chapel Hill and Cornell University. Mark Mather is associate vice president of Domestic Programs at the Population Reference Bureau, where he coordinates several projects that communicate population research to advocacy groups, educators, the media, and the public. He holds a doctorate and a master’s degree in sociology/demography from the University of Maryland.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Autism The Fastest Growing Disorder - 1076 Words
Autism affects people in a lot of different ways. Autism is the fastest growing disorder in the U.S.There is no cure for this disorder but there is treatment. Autism costs a family about $60,000 in one year on average. Symptoms of ASD can have different ranges depending on the person’s. Communication for an Autistic person is extremely difficult, so ASD people don’t even speak, they use hand signals or gestures. Peoples with ASD have a difficult time in social settings, they tend to have outburst or become reclusive depending on the situation. Some ASD people require only 2-4 hours of sleep on a regular basis while others can go for up to 72 hours of no sleep, there has been few but some who can stay awake for weeks at a time. The reason for this is because ASD people’s brains don’t sleep, They never get into a full deep rem sleep because the activities in their brain continue to function on overload. Studies show that 1 in every 3 boys have some type of ASD spectrum, boys are more likely to test as ASD spectrum. The In the United States 1 out of 68 children have autism. About 41% of 4 million kids have autism in the United States. Studies in Asia, Europe, and North America have identified individuals with ASD with an average prevalence of about 1%. A study in South Korea reported a prevalence of 2.6%. Boys however, have a much higher chance of getting autism than girls . If a sibling gets autism there is a very small percentage that the other sibling will end up gettingShow MoreRelatedAutism Essay1317 Words  | 6 Pages12 Block 8 6 October 2014 Autism Spectrum Disorder Autistic children experience the world a lot more differently than others. For example, children with autism are not capable of using words, and have a hard time communicating in general by any means. 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Genetic factorsRead MoreAutism Is A Mental Condition Essay1321 Words  | 6 PagesThe definition of Autism is a mental condition, resent from early childhood, characterized by difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in using language and abstract concepts. Autism is not classified as a disease, it is a mental condition. Some symptoms might be poor eye contact, compulsive and repetitive behaviors, repetitive movements, unaware of others emotions, depression, anxiety, change in voice, and obsessive interests. Autism makes it hard for a personRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd )1273 Words  | 6 Pagesit. In the process, they gained knowledge about a disorder that is now referred to as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), or simply Autism. ASD is a developmental disorder that results in difficulty in social interactio ns, communication, and repetitive behaviors. 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Some have a family member, a friend, or know someone who has ASD. Increasingly it is becoming a more common disability. â€Å"Autism is one of the fastest-growing developmental disorders in the U.S†(Autism Speaks). Autism has no respect for gender, race, social class and or ethnicity. â€Å"Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder that involves abnormal development and function of the brain.†(AutismRead MoreInformational Essay on Autism598 Words  | 3 PagesAutism About 1 percent of the world population has autism spectrum disorder. (CDC, 2014) Autism is the fastest growing developmental disability. Autism is defined by a certain set of behaviors and is a spectrum disorder that effects individuals differently. Autism is a serious and lifelong developmental disability. On its own, autism is not a learning disability or a mental health problem. To go further back into history, autism was first recognized in the early years of the 20th century byRead MoreIn Recent Years, The Prevalence Of Autism Spectrum Disorder1357 Words  | 6 Pagesyears, the prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has increased greatly (Nevison 2014). For example, in 2000 the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network estimated about 1 in 150 children had ASD. Six years later in 2006, the prevalence increased to about 1 in every 110 children and then most recently in 2012 to 1 in 68 children. According to the CDC (2008) autism is the fastest-growing developmental disability. With the growing prevalence of autism, the society has beenRead MoreThe Prevalence Of Autism And Autism Essay921 Words  | 4 Pages2000, the prevalence of autism has increased by nearly 120 percent: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this makes autism the fastest-growing developmental disability in the U.S. http://www. A March 27, 2014 announcement from the CDC states that autism impacts 1 in 68 children across the nation. First Responders and Autism Awareness Every day,Read MoreOutline Of A Social Awareness1691 Words  | 7 Topic: Autism Introduction Attention getter: Autism affects every 1 in 68 children; It is one of the fastest growing developmental disorders in the u.s (Facts about Autism. Autism Speaks. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Mar. 2016. Minor details about the issue Autism FAQ - History. Autism FAQ - History. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Mar. 2016. . history Thesis: BodyX3 Topic sentence: The definition/ characteristic Autism Characteristics. List of Autism Characteristics. N.p., n
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