Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about Gender Dysphoria Caused by Gender Identity
Gender Dysphoria caused by Gender Identity Introduction Gender as defined by society as a division between biological sex and the roles you must take on in society. In reality gender is a true spectrum that does not follow a simple linear pattern. There are three major aspects that make a person who they are inside. These aspects are Sex, Gender and Gender Identity. Gender Identity Gender identity is basically the concept that gender is not easily divided into two classic genders as is the popular belief. Gender identity is how someone feels inside. Someone’s gender identity can align with the sex they are assigned, it can align with the sex they were not assigned and it can ever align with no recorded identity before.†¦show more content†¦Gender Roles Gender roles are the standards set by a society for each of the genders. Most people will not have a problem with the gender roles established but they can be very harmful to some people. Basic gender roles consist of women being associated with the color pink and men being associated with blue. Roles like these set the norms for our society and determine in the long run what is acceptable and not. Other common gender roles that affect our society in a possible bad way. Men are taught to be strong and powerful while women are taught to be dainty and subordinate (purely depending on culture). These roles make men feel pressured to take on these roles and if not they will be seen as weak and doing something wrong. I feel that women are hurt by these gender roles more than men. These gender roles keep women down. They restrict where they can go in society and they keep a higher standard of what is expected. When someone is subjected to gender roles and they are having problems with their gender identity it can because something called Gender Dysphoria. This is when someone’s gender identity does not connect with the gender roles of their assigned sex. These roles feel virtually unreachable, sometimes they might not even want to fit these roles. Gender Dysphoria Gender Dysphoria is one of the most important issues associated with problems people have with their gender identity. Aspects of Gender Dysphoria includeShow MoreRelatedGender Identity Disorder ( Gid )1209 Words  | 5 Pagestheir biological sex and gender identity, which is known as gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria is formally known as gender identity disorder (GID), gender incongruence or transgenderism. According to Mohammaed Meomon, gender dysphoria is a product of highly complex genetic, neurodevelopmental, and psychological factors (Meomon, 2016). A person’s biological sex is given at birth depending on the appearance of the genitals. What a person identifies with is called gender identity. For example, a womanRead MoreEssay about The Increase of Transgender people1217 Words  | 5 PagesMost people go about their lives without ever giving thought to their gender. 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